Born and raised Ahmedabad, India, with some of the most iconic Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn works in his very own backyard, Amit developed a keen proclivity for tasteful architecture from a young age. His inspiring environment not only played a pivotal role in his formative years as an architecture student but has shaped his design philosophy today.
After working with numerous renowned architecture firms around the world, Amit decided to begin his own practice in Scottsdale, Arizona. His practice’s mission is to create evocative and soulful work that is as responsible and sustainable as is poetic and avant-garde. Through design, Amit builds worlds where human and non-human energies coexist, producing spaces where the rigidity between manmade and natural fade away. This unison is Amit’s crowning motif in every design project he embarks on and has been recognized for his unique ability to do so.
Above all, he cares deeply about inspiring the next generation of architects to be authentic and to infuse integrity into their work. He has invested significant time in higher education, having taught architecture at the Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts at Arizona State University. He has also given several lectures on his work around the US, India, and Singapore.
In his works, honesty of expression along with tectonics, dimensions of phenomenology, metaphysics and poetics are at the core that add a sense of meaning to his Architecture and play a pivotal role in captivating the human psyche. He strives to transcend the phenomena of Form and Function and to go beyond into the realms of Architectural Will. He believes that, Form is a wrapper of Space within Space. Space itself being formless is then potent to manifest into infinite forms using elements such as earth, water, fire and air.
"I cannot even bat my eyelid without the sun powering me indirectly. Life thrives on this planet due to the enormous presence of the sun. The sun helps me understand and respect it through my work. To me Architecture is a constant hide and seek with the sun. Sometimes the sun is your friend and sometimes he is a foe but if you play the game right it is all fun under the sun.
On every project the sun plays a profound role in forming and informing the architectural form. I collaborate not only with the consultants and clients but also with the sun that hints and guides. Then “I” as an architect watches the game of unfoldment of form. Therefore, then each project gets its own character based on where it is located and client requirement. This collaborative process is so exciting that I can keep doing it till the sun shines."
Amit believes that, Architecture is a relentless pursuit of beauty and light.
Constantin Brâncuși once said “Simplicity in Art is not a goal, but an end product”.
Amit is inspired by this approach in his own work. He also believes that, minimalism is not the goal, but a derivative of the process of reticence and restraint.
Architectural and Yogic minimalism are similar to the un-conditioning of preconceived notions of the human psyche. Both yoga and architecture are practices striving to attain inner and outer minimalism. Intrinsically, both are monastic in nature. Architecture is the art form as the extension of the human body and the human body as the extension of the Being, while the “space" stays as the common denominator in both.
Amit is a certified RYT200 yoga instructor and donates his teaching service through SEWA International and KKSF platforms every weekend. He received the Volunteering award from The White House in 2020. He believes that healthy humans make healthy choices to keep the Earth healthy that sustains it all.